Hours and Location
Office hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm
Walk-in Advocacy Hours: Monday - Friday, 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Friday appointments are available with advanced scheduling
330 De Neve Dr.
205 Covel Commons
Los Angeles CA, 90024
We encourage you to make an appointment with a CARE Advocate in advance by calling our main office line, 310-206-2465, or filling out the appointment request form on the website. The CARE Program is also offering in-person drop-in hours. Stop by our office during the following times to speak with a CARE Advocate: Monday - Friday, 1-4pm.
Contact Us
- Our main office line is (310) 206-2465
- For general inquiries, please email advocate@careprogram.ucla.edu
- For information or requests about CARE prevention programming and outreach, please e-mail prevention@careprogram.ucla.edu
Get Help
If you or anyone you know is experiencing a life threatening situation call 911 or go to the nearest hospital's emergency department.
- UC Police Department:
(310) 825 - 1491
- CSO Evening Escorts (From Dusk until 1 a.m.):
(310) 794 - WALK (9255)
- Ashe Student Health Center (24hr Nurse Line):
(310) 825 - 4073 (Option 2)
- The Counseling Center Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS):
(310) 825 - 0768
- Rape Treatment Center at Santa Monica - UCLA Medical Center:
(424) 259 - 6000
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
(800) 273 - TALK