CARE provides comprehensive outreach and prevention education to the campus community on sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking. See below for an overview of our prevention activities and visit the links to the left to learn about all of the ways you can get involved.
Available Workshops
CARE offers an array of workshops and trainings to provide a pro-active preventive educational approach to sexual violence for the UCLA community. A few examples of workshops/topics offered in the past include:
- Introduction to CARE
- How to Support Survivors and Trauma-Informed CARE
- Consent & Cultivating Healthy Relationships
CARE is happy to create custom workshops and presentations for your UCLA student group or department. We operate from an anti-oppression framework and strive to create intersectional presentations that address the root causes of violence. Some topics include: an overview of CARE services, identity and oppression, the effects of trauma, alternative healing, dating, and domestic violence, stalking, rights and resources, upstander/bystander intervention, and rape culture.
If you would like to request a workshop or training, please click the link above. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email the Prevention Education Coordinator at
CARE offers educational tabling for events and resource fairs. Tabling includes an array of CARE giveaways including stickers, tote bags, fidget toys, and more. In addition, tabling allows us to foster awareness as well provide information about CARE resources and services for the UCLA community.

If you would like to request a tabling service from CARE, please submit a CARE Request.