CARE Coordinator
A native of southern California, Elizabeth has dedicated her academic and professional career to the safety and empowerment of survivors of trauma. Drawing from Black Feminist scholarship and community organizing pedagogies, Elizabeth advocates for liberation and equity within historically disenfranchised communities and further specializes in raising awareness around issues related to gender-based violence as they intersect with race and sexuality. Elizabeth holds an M.A. in Women’s Studies from The University of Alabama (Roll Tide!) as well as a B.A. in Political Science, African American Studies, and Sociology from the University of Alabama. While in Alabama (and during her short tenure in Massachusetts), Elizabeth has been the creator of several community and campus organizations while also working in a Peer Educator capacity for the University of Alabama Women and Gender Resource Center. Elizabeth also teaches Introduction to African American Studies, Introduction to Women’s Studies, and Introduction to Political Science for The University of Alabama. Elizabeth is excited to be back home in California and to bring exciting and innovative programing to UCLA.