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Pleasure is described as a feeling of happy satisfaction as well as a measure of freedom. Led by CARE Advocate Rebecca Escoto and CARE Advocate Priscilla Gomez, this healing workshop will provide a safe space for survivors to incorporate pleasure in their everyday lives through peer-to-peer connections, discussions, and opportunities for creative expression.
Pleasure After Trauma: Healing Workshop Program
This program will contain different approaches to building up pleasure after trauma. These approaches will consist of:
- Who taught you to feel good?
- Creativity & Joy
- Loving Ourselves as Pleasure
- Caring as Joy
- Reflection
Program Details:
Held in Covel Commons, this workshop will meet every Wednesday (12:00 PM) for 1 hour for 4 weeks beginning February 26, 2025. Paper, pens, paint, and other artistic materials will be provided, but feel free to bring your own!
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